Saturday 4 October 2008

Have fashion models all gone naked?!

You would think the Playboy bunny look is a woman (preferably blond) with large breasts, generous hips and tiny waist. Do I have anyone in mind?

No, no I don't stick to stereotypes, I'm sure Playboy is more than just Pamela Anderson, as french Playboy's fashion director ALex Aikiu said. According to him it doesn't matter "about how big your boobs are - it's about being sweet and innocent".

The innocent look indeed... on the cover she pauses stark naked, in white socks with pig tales, hugging a teddy bear. It might be a male fantasy, but photographing a girl with the physique of a fourteen year old pausing as a child is a little odd, in a Lewis Caroll kind of way.

I think it's bad enough to have to battle with the "size zero" debate in our everyday life. If even sexy models are skin and bones now, what is going to be the next "ideal" physique promoted by the media?

The shot is beautiful nonetheless. Is everyone sure it isn't an advertisement for M&S's new teddy range? Oops sorry... my wrong!

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