Sunday 12 October 2008

How many Fashion Weeks do you know about?

LA Fashion Week is kicking off this week end only a week after a month of shows at the four pivotal fashion spots of the world.

After so many shows it's no wonder it often disappears into the pitfall of fashion indifference.

Los Angeles Fashion Week was created in 2004 and never really got the publicity it probably deserves. To be honest the city rivals New York in terms of fashion forward thinking and especially, wearable clothes.

The main problem is the timing: it comes too late after New York, London, Milan and Paris. The buzz has passed. And it comes too early in terms of marketing: the high-fashion buyers have already spent all the cash they could put their hands on on big labels.

But with Globalization, it is incomprehensible that fashion is still limited to the four "pillar" countries. Designers from India, Belgium and Norway are up and coming, and showing in Paris and London. Many more are showing in their countrie's Fashion weeks.

So why is there so little publicity for "international" fashion weeks?

It's true that Cape Town is starting to build a name for itself, but who has ever heard of Tokyo fashion week or Australian fashion week?

The latter is starting tomorrow by the way.

I think International fashion needs a little more attention, there might be a lot of new talents to spot. And even if in the south part of the hemisphere they wear summer clothes throughout our winter, it's not a good enough reason to dismiss them! The last shows were the Spring Summer collections anyways.

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