Friday 17 October 2008

Who ever said the older generation doesn't have a sense of style?

We must admit that it's rare to hear someone this new cool trend "inspired by Nan." Unless curtains are your style trademark. And to be honest, unless you are Vivienne Westwood it's hard to make table cloths look good...

Let's face it, grand-parents (and sometimes parents) are not often cited as the most trendy people.

Could we be wrong?

On Wednesday I was at City Hall listening to Boris Johnson answer questions from the London Assembly, and I saw the most amazing swanky outfit: a delicately tailored bright red tartan double piece suit, with slightly padded shoulders.

And it was worn by a woman well past eighty!

A well tailored traditional design with a modish twist always does the trick, no matter how old you are. This little aged lady can easily rival with a Burberry clad Kate Moss any day in terms of style!

Maybe it's worth looking a little more towards the past to get inspiration going.

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